Cleaning Water Naturally the Ancient Maya Way

Cleaning Water Naturally the Ancient Maya Way | Scientific American

Water is life. That’s why we need to take care of it. Even plentiful water supplies are moot if they are undrinkable. Climate change, pollution and growing populations only add to the urgency of maintaining adequate water supplies and water quality for humanity.

After doing archaeology for 35 years in Belize, focusing on the ancestral Maya, I have learned a great deal about living sustainably with water. I’ve learned that they lived in better harmony with the environment and kept water clean naturally. We can learn from them. We must.


France will jail corporate directors who fail to adhere to CSRD requirements

France will jail corporate directors who fail to adhere to new CSRD requirements | GreenBiz

In early 2024, France introduced the potential of jail time for any corporate director who fails to comply with the country’s Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD). Specifically, the penalty includes a fine of up to $81,400 and jail time of up to five years
