UN Chief Praises ‘Moral Voice’ of German Climate Activists Targeted in Police Raids

“It is clear that a lot of the progress that we have seen on awareness on climate change and positive movement on climate change is due to the fact that people have been demonstrating peacefully throughout the world.”

The spokesperson for United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres on Monday commended climate activists in Germany after police raided their homes following months of traffic-disrupting protests against the government’s failure to adequately address the climate emergency. https://bit.ly/3IOivnm

The Conundrum of Coastal Living

The Conundrumof Coastal Living

It’s no coincidence that around 40 percent of the world’s population lives within 100 kilometers of a coast, as coastal living provides access to abundant opportunities and a wealth of natural resources. But, as rising sea levels create mounting risk, can coastal communities adapt? Could floating cities like the one currently being built in Busan provide a viable alternative to exodus from the world’s coasts? And, with dense coastal populations putting pressure on natural ecosystems, should they?

Ice Melt, Sea Level Rise and Superstorms

The focus for our paper developed in 2007, when the first author (JH) read several papers by co-author P. Hearty. Hearty used geologic field data to make a persuasive case for rapid sea level rise late in the prior interglacial period to a height + 6–9 m relative to today, and he presented evidence of strong storms in the Bahamas and Bermuda at that time. Hearty’s data suggested violent climate behavior on a planet only slightly warmer than today.

Our study was designed to shed light on, or at least raise questions about, physical processes that could help account for the paleoclimate data and have relevance to ongoing and future climate change. Our assumption was that extraction of significant information on these processes would require use of and analysis of (1) climate modeling, (2) paleoclimate data, and (3) modern observations. It is the combination of all of these that helps us interpret the intricate paleoclimate data and extract implications about future sea level and storms.


Area 51 with George Knapp

Area 51

Encyclopedia Britannica
Area 51, secret U.S. Air Force military installation located at Groom Lake in southern Nevada. It is administered by Edwards Air Force Base in southern California. The installation has been the focus of numerous conspiracies involving extraterrestrial life, though its only confirmed use.

Ari Global Show