Peace Diplomacy & Anomalous Aerial Phenomena

I hope you are all doing well.   Here in the Caribbean time seems to stand still, however…

UAP Research Library

I very much feel that we, the Planet Earth, needs to start a conversation on Peacemaking and Diplomacy, both for our planet, our nation states, the Earth, as well to keep our Exreaterrestrial Visitors viewing us, without our typical warlike attitude, but rather in a calm and civilised manner..

My feelings in this regard are strengthened when I hear Steven Greer  and other researchers, speaking of UAPs (UFOs, UAPs, Anomalous Aerial Phenomena) being shot or brought down, some allegedly by members of the the defense industry and also by the US government.
Given that our neighbours from afar have proven themselves to be far more advanced than we are, we Homo Sapiens, may come off  as the losers.

I am shall to speak to a few academic colleague who were with me at the Peace Studies Department, University of Bradford where I was doing a nMasters degree. I shall also email my thesis supervisor to see if he may want to contribute to a White Paper which perhaps would publish be published by a newly formed foundation in California.

My premise is to start, as well as steer,  a conversation on Peacemaking and Diplomacy, and the  necessity  to have ongoing conversations on these topics in the short term, before  we reach a conflict flash point.

I see this point in time as an opportunity that could be used to bring all major nation states together with a common goal, as President Ronald Reagan’s Address to the United Nations General Assembly in New York City, New York on September 21, 1987
with the payoff being the equitable and peacefull sharing of all previously discovered Non Human Technology, for the benefit of all beings on Planet Earth.

President Regan said: “Perhaps we need some outside universal threat to make us recognize this common bond’.

This project may be a way to keep peace on this planet, particularly between China, Russia and the United States, as well keep peacefull relations  with our extraterrestrial visitors.

I look forward to your feedback and suggestions.