Lavender, Israel’s artificial intelligence system that decides who to bomb in Gaza

Israel has crossed another line in the automation of war. The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) have developed a program supported by artificial intelligence (AI) to select the victims of its bombings, a process that traditionally needs to be manually verified until a person can be confirmed to be a target. Called Lavender, this system identified 37,000 Palestinians as potential targets during the first weeks of the war, and between October 7 and November 24, it was used in at least 15,000 murders in the invasion of Gaza, according to a journalistic investigation by two Israeli media, +972 Magazine and Local Call, which was published in The Guardian.


Will cell phones become satellite phones?

What breakthroughs in “satellite communications.” has China developed? Will cell phones become satellite phones?

New HUAWEI phone sparks worry China has found a way around U.S. tech limits

How powerful the new chip design is remains an open question. Unusually, Huawei revealed little about key aspects of the phone in its announcement, such as whether it was 5G-enabled or what process was used to produce it. In a statement, Huawei simply touted the phone as making breakthroughs in “satellite communications.”