Rolling Blackouts by Hawaiian Electric

Hawaiian Electric avoided a second straight evening of rolling blackouts across Oahu on Tuesday, but the power shutoffs Monday substantiated prior concerns about the company’s shift to more renewable energy.

Hawaiian Electric a second evening of rolling blackouts…

Disappointed by the false claims in this article about Oahu’s recent rolling blackouts and their cause – it’s time to set the record straight on Renewable Energy.

1️⃣ Don’t buy into the misinformation spread by the Fossil Fuel industry.
2️⃣ The truth? Renewable Energy stands out for its reliability.
3️⃣ Opting for decentralized power generation is the smart choice.

Don’t be swayed by misleading narratives. 🌿💡

Henk Rogers – Founder – At Blue Planet Alliance

Norway votes for deep-sea mining despite environmental concerns | Deep-sea mining

Norway votes for deep-sea mining despite environmental concerns | Deep-sea mining | The Guardian

Norway has taken a step closer to becoming the first country in the world to open up its seabed for commercial deep-sea mining after giving it the go-ahead in a highly contentious parliamentary vote on Tuesday.

The decision comes despite warnings from scientists that it could have a devastating impact on marine life, and opposition from the EU and the UK, which have called for a temporary ban on deep-sea mining because of environmental concerns.
The proposal, voted in by 80-20 by Norway’s parliament after attracting cross-party support, is expected to speed up exploration of minerals – including precious metals – that are in high demand for green technologies.

Germans take to streets after AfD meeting on mass deportation plan

Germans take to streets after AfD meeting on mass deportation plan | Alternative für Deutschland (AfD) | The Guardian

Thousands of people across Germany have taken to the streets for a fourth consecutive day to voice their opposition to the far-right populist AfD party after politicians from the party met neo-Nazis to discuss a “master plan” for the mass deportation of asylum seekers and German citizens of foreign origin.