Wisdom From Noam Chomsky

“The human mind is not, like ChatGPT and its likes, a glutton statistical machine for structure recognition, that swallows hundreds of terabytes of data and snatches the most plausible answer to a conversation or the most likely to a scientific question.”
The other way around… the human mind is a surprisingly efficient and elegant system operating with a limited amount of information. It doesn’t try to injure raw correlations from data but tries to create explanations. [… ]
Let’s stop calling it “Artificial Intelligence” and call it what it is: “plagiarism software.” Don’t create anything, copy existing works from existing artists and alter it sufficiently to escape copyright laws.
It’s the largest theft of property ever since Native American lands by European settlers. “

Noam Chomsky, New York Times – March 8, 2023
(thanks to Marco Pellitteri)

I Am Confused

I am confused and need Enlightening – Help me Understand…

German (European) Jews are marked for Death by the German Government prior to and during World War Two.

The German Jaws are rounded up and put into Concentration Camps by the German government, wherein some are used as slave labour, given insufficient food with many being worked to death and and the majority are killed in gas chambers and the corpses are incinerated.

Eventually World War Two ends and the surviving German Jewish survivors are released and attempt to emigrate to Palestine, where at one point in history their ancestors made up ten percent of Palestine’s population.

Palestine was then under a League of Nations Mandate being governed by the Colonial British.

Under Colonial British skullduggery and with the help of Christian Zionism and the Balfour Declaration Jews were let in to Palestine over the objection of the Palestinian peoples, who had no say in the matter.

Fast forward to 1948 when the United Nations mandated the formation of the State of Israel. The newly formed Jewish army starts to carry out executions of Palestinians, exterminating and destroying entire villages and driving seven hundred and fifty thousand Palestinian citizens into exile.

Please explain to me how the Palestinians were blamed for the suffering of the Jewish People.

Another Iraqi WMD moment

This is another Iraqi WMD moment. We’re being Gaslit

This is another Iraqi WMD moment. We are being gaslit. Believe your eyes and ears, and the laws of physics, not the lies being peddled by our leaders and media about last night’s missile strike on the Baptist hospital in Gaza:

  1. No Palestinian group has a rocket that can hit a hospital, killing hundreds. What they have are glorified fireworks that can cause minor damage and the occasional death or two.

A Major Empire Falls Unnotices


Imperial powers — and so empires — have always been with us. They’ve been part and parcel of history forever and a day. However, in this country, though it should be difficult to deny that the United States is just such a power, most Americans remain remarkably oblivious not just to the phenomenon, but to the very idea of it. No matter that, in this century, their country invaded and occupied two lands, Afghanistan and Iraq, thousands of miles distant (and more than a thousand miles apart). No matter that its annual military budget, now heading for the trillion-dollar mark, has for the last 20-plus years been spent in significant fashion fighting a disastrous Global War on Terror (that could indeed hardly have been more “global”), or that its military maintains a veritable empire of 750 bases scattered across the planet.

Us, imperialists? Huh?
