Why were the Palestinians made into a scapegoat for the Jews?

Why were the Palestinians made into a scapegoat for the Jews?

German (European) Jews are marked for Death by the German Government prior to, and during World War Two

German Jaws are rounded up and put into Concentration Camps by the German government, wherein some are used as slave labour, given insufficient food with many starving to death, and and the majority are killed in gas chambers, and their corpses are incinerated.

Eventually World War Two ends and the German Jewish survivors are released and attempt to emigrate to Palestine, where at one point in history their ancestors made up ten (?) percent of Palestine’s population. Palestine was then under a League of Nations Mandate being governed by the Colonial British.

With skillfully wielded British skullduggery, the help of Christian Zionism and the Balfour Declaration, the UN General Assembly passed Resolution 181 and Jews had their state in Palestine, over the objection of the Palestinian peoples, who had no say in the matter.

Fast forward to 1948 when the United Nations mandated the formation of the State of Israel (Resolution 181 ). The newly formed Jewish army starts to carry out executions of Palestinians, exterminating and destroying entire villages and driving seven hundred and fifty thousand (750,000) Palestinian citizens into exile.

With Hamas Gone Gaza Still Wouldn’t Be Free https://bit.ly/499IfWS The final model for a settler colonial population is to drive the native population over the border, in an act of ethnic cleansing. This was Israel’s preferred option in 1948 and again in 1967, when it decided to expand its borders by occupying the remaining Palestinian lands in the West Bank, East Jerusalem and Gaza. The Palestinians in Gaza are an object lesson in the various ways a native population can be abused by a settler colonial movement. Most are refugees or descended from refugees from Israel’s ethnic cleansing operations of 1948. When Israel seized Gaza during the 1967 war, it had to fall back on the second settler colonising option: apartheid. So it turned the enclave into an open-air prison, or – if we’re going to be more honest – a long-term concentration camp.

Therefore, the question could be posed, as to how the Israeli Regime differs from the National Socialist German Workers’ Party (NationalSozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei)

Why were the Palestinians were made the scapegoat for the suffering of the Jewish People? Or did the did the State of Israel just want to get rid of them?