Video shows TSA agents stealing from passenger bags at airport checkpoint

Video shows TSA agents stealing from passenger bags at airport checkpoint | The Independent

New video footage allegedly shows TSA agents working together to steal belongings from bags as they went through security at Miami International Airport.

A surveillance video, released by the Florida State Attorney’s Office, appears to show security screeners unzipping bags and pocketing items belonging to passengers before sending them through the CT scanner.


UFOs Have Broken Into America’s Backyard And No One Is Effectively Coordinating Any Response

UFOs Have Broken Into America’s Backyard And No One Is Effectively Coordinating Any Response

By Christopher Sharp – 11 September 2023

It was February 2023.

The month began with a Chinese surveillance balloon that both startled and puzzled politicians and civilians alike.

It was symbolic – the Chinese had broken into America’s own backyard.

Cue, the political and media pressure – it was swiftly shot down when clear from built-up areas.

Then in quick succession, three smaller unknown objects were taken down, thought to be a potential threat to air traffic.

All were shot down at the command of the North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD).

NSO’s Pegasus hacked Meduza’s Galina Timchenko’ iPhone

NSO’s Pegasus hacked Meduza’s Galina Timchenko’ iPhone, Citizen Lab says – The Washington Post

The iPhone of a prominent Russian journalist whose news outlet has effectively been outlawed by President Vladimir Putin was infected with Pegasus spyware this year, researchers say, in the first known case of the powerful eavesdropping tool being used against a significant Russian target.
