The Military-Industrial Complex | Jim Garrison

In 2023, the United States military’s annual budget was $1 trillion. Both political parties in our government have been influenced by the war industry, defense contractors, and private interests. As President Eisenhower warned in his farewell address, “the potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists and will persist” unless we, the people, become an informed citizenry and begin dismantling the National Security State and the Military-Industrial Complex.
At the core of the Military-Industrial Complex are private defense contractors, who are reported to be in possession of exotic non-human technology, often referred to as Technologies of Unknown Origin (TUO).
These private entities are working to reverse engineer Non-Human Intelligence (NHI) technologies to create next-generation weaponry. It’s imperative that we prevent this technology from being weaponized.
Join our Citizens for Disclosure movement and demand UFO/UAP transparency *

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